
Windows 11 Here are the minimum requirements for PCs

Since the announcement of Windows 11, confusion reigns over the requirements for installing the new system on a PC. Microsoft has a clear situation. 

Conflicting messages and inadequate software, we can say that Microsoft has put all the odds on its side to sow confusion and fear on Windows 11. The key question: will my PC be compatible with the new system of exploitation? The answer may well be NO for many.
windows 11 requirements


During the presentation of Windows 11, the official site of Microsoft presented a list of the minimum characteristics which made shudder: the TPM would be necessary and in version 2.0. At the same time, the company has published technical documentation online, which suggests that TPM 1.2 was ultimately sufficient to install Windows 11.

On the evening of Friday, June 25 to Saturday, June 26, Microsoft updated the documentation to align with what was presented on the official Windows 11 site. According to this new version, TPM 2.0 will indeed be the prerequisite minimum. Without it, Windows 11 will not install.


A bigger problem than TPM 2.0: New documentation from Microsoft indicates that it is necessary to use a processor on the very small list of processors supported by Windows 11.

The list of Intel processors
The list of AMD processors
The list of ARM processors
When you look at the list, you realize that Microsoft drew a line in 2017: 8th generation Intel Core processors and AMD's Ryzen 2000s are the minima to be able to install Windows 11.

We, therefore, understand why Microsoft's Surface Studio 2 at 4,149 euros is not on the list of Windows 11 compatible PCs: it includes a 7th generation Intel Core i7 7820HQ processor.


It has been decided in this article to report exactly what Microsoft indicates as the new Windows 11 prerequisites. This is the official communication from the publisher at this time. We will have to wait until the system exits at the end of the year to see if the firm will manage to keep this line, which seems impossible to maintain.

Admittedly, we have a hard time understanding why for nearly 24 hours, Microsoft publicly admitted that Windows 11 was perfectly installable on old PCs with old processors, which is also possible with the leaked build. This inevitably leaves a strange taste in the mouth. Difficult to hear performance or security reasons for this restrictive minimum configuration when Microsoft seemed to indicate that its OS was more widely compatible. Technically, we wonder.